Your Chief Longevity Officer - Deborah Poland

I like to think of myself as an adventurer—a health-care adventurer! Throughout my journey of looking for just the right diet, the right exercise, or the right skin care product, I found myself always coming back to the playbook written by the Creator, the Bible.

I have been obsessed with learning how you can live a vibrant life for a long time. In 2007, I made a goal to live until 120. In the book of Genesis, our Creator tells us we have a window of 120 years to live. I believe it is up to us to decide how we live those years. Will we take advantage of those years and live them to the fullest?

This website, blog, and online courses are geared toward living as long as you would like in a way you want to live. I want everyday people to have access to this information. The rich and famous have access to expensive and experimental treatments. I wanted everyone to have access to information that can help them live a long healthy life.

After trying hundreds of products, supplements, workouts, and diets—thankfully, not all at once—I know exactly what you’ll experience when you try anything I recommend. I do my homework finding what works in the busy marketing space of health and wellness. No drama here; just the facts with a dose of common sense.

Everything is "natural," non-marketing, common sense, and can be done by everyone. You won’t find any of those outrageously expensive medical treatments here that promise to make you live longer. I will talk about how you can look naturally ageless along the way.

I'm a licensed aesthetician and spa owner. I have a graduate certificate in nutrition from Liberty University and I am an ACE certified personal trainer. My clients are able to meet with me virtually for consultations or enroll in my online courses. I am an author and speaker, educating groups on how to live a long vibrant life, looking great all the way.

I am here to help you develop your ultimate longevity journey. It does not happen overnight. It is a process and lifestyle, not a magic bullet. I hope you will join me along this journey.


Kosher for Gentiles

Kosher for Gentiles is a place to learn what the Jewish people already know: God's proven diet for mankind. Topics relate to God's dietary and health commandments and to how they have been proven by science to be beneficial for everyone.

Make sure you subscribe to my channel for exclusive content on how to use ancient, proven, natural laws to achieve the healthy vibrant life you’ve always desired.


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