Blog Posts

Blog posts are categorized by the 4 pillars of longevity.

What is Kosher?

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2025

Why should non-Jews care about kosher? I believe all mankind, especially Christians, should care and study the dietary laws God gave the Israelites. If something goes wrong with an appliance or a device, we open up the owner’s manual and read about how to fix it. There are monumental problems with our diets, so why not open the owner’s manual, the one written by our Creator, to learn how to fix the problem?

Kosher is associated with how Jews eat. Moses was given dietary laws from God for the Israelites to follow in the desert. The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years. God taught them how to live (and eat) as a free people. If this was the diet God gave to the Israelites, then what can we learn from looking at these guidelines for eating?

The word “kosher” is an adjective that means fit, acceptable, or appropriate. A kosher diet would be a diet appropriate and acceptable to our Creator.

Why should we follow these laws?

Here are the...

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Hiring Practices

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2025

I am happy we are having a national discussion about hiring practices in America.  It is nice to see hiring practices at corporations coming under the microscope.  Everyone who has been in the job market the past few years has known the process is not exactly fair.  But because hiring is done remotely, you could not put your finger on just what the process is.

Part of the issue is the whole process being online.  No longer can you walk in or even call an employer to ask questions.  I know.  Two years ago, when I was applying for positions, I could not figure out why I did not even get an interview for jobs I was more than qualified for.  I had over 20 years of experience in the field and I could not seem to get an interview.

Maybe the issue was that I had too much experience or hiring personnel could tell by my experience that I was over 50 years old.  What I finally ended up doing is deleting half my experience from my resume’ and...

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Create Your Vision

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2025

There is a lot of messages on social media and in our culture around creating your personal vision. Just something else to add to your to-do list, right? Who has the time to sit quietly and think about their personal vision? Here’s why you need to spend the time to create a personal vision:

Your vision directs all your actions

Whether you have a written, directed vision or not, your actions are directed toward what you think. You are on the path to somewhere, so you might as well plan where you are going. Once you have your vision written down, you can focus your actions toward your vision. Your vision helps you decide when to say “yes” and when to say “no.”

Don’t forget about adding a health element to your vision. Without your health, your vision will never come to reality.

It might help to think about just how long you think you will live. The different parts of your life should relate to each other. If you say you want to live to 100 years old...

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Your Morning Routine for Daily Battle

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2019

In today’s environment, it can feel like we are going to battle every day. We are bombarded by messages, both good and bad. Text messages expect you to instantly respond. There is pressure to perform at work and to be present at home. The Bible tells us to put on the armor of God. Read Ephesians 6:10 through 18 and see if this describes your day!

Below are 6 examples of ways you can put on your armor of God. You don’t have to do all 6 each day. Choose one. Then, when that one becomes a habit, add another. I think you will find your day will be much less stressful.

#1 – Get up early. Get up before the sun rises. Jesus got up early and went to communicate with God. If it is good enough for Jesus, there must be something to it. Our bodies were made to rise before the sun and to work for the day when the sun was up. Think farm schedules.

#2 – Hydrate your body first thing after you wake up. Your body has been at rest, hopefully for 8 hours, and now it needs...

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4 Pillars of Longevity

longevity Jan 09, 2019

Longevity can mean many things. To some, it means to live a “long time” – whatever a “long time” means to the individual. To some, it means health and a healthy lifestyle as you age. To others, it might mean “anti-aging.” Whatever your definition might be, living a long and healthier life does not just happen one day. You must be the driver. You must take 100% responsibility for your health, your lifestyle, and your mental state.

Longevity begins with having a goal. What age do you want to live to, and how do you want your life to be at that age? If you have not thought about this concept, reading my blogs will help you develop your thoughts and goals.

Everyone has an age they think they will die. Maybe it is based on how old your parents were when they died. You have a say in how you live those years. How are you going to continue to be active and live out the kind of life you have imagined?

As you get older, you must devote more time,...

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God Cares about Your Appearance and so Should You

Uncategorized Dec 26, 2018

I love to watch people. I look at how they are dressed and wonder how they think about themselves. This started when I had an issue with how my employees were showing up for work. I manage estheticians (skin care specialists). I could not understand how they could be in the beauty industry and help customers with skin care when they did not wear makeup, brush their hair, or take pride in having a clean uniform. I started asking them to look in the mirror every morning before coming to work to decide if they looked like someone they would take skin care information from. I am trying to teach the principle of nature that says if you look good, you will feel good. 

What we think about ourselves on the inside shows on the outside by how we dress.

Do you have an outfit that makes you feel great? We all do. We keep clothes in our closets because we remember a special occasion when we wore the outfit, or we keep it and wear it when we want to feel special. We stress over what to wear...

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What Does Loving You Look Like?

mind/spirit Dec 19, 2018


Christians love to quote this command from Jesus:

“Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39


The first command, loving others, has been the subject of numerous sermons. We are all about loving others. But, the second, loving yourself, gets bypassed. We don’t want to talk about loving ourselves. We think loving ourselves is self-centered and conceited. We sometimes speak poorly of others who me feel think to highly of themselves.


What does loving you look like?


Caring for you is not self-indulgence. Loving yourself is self-preservation. Self-preservation is not depending on someone else for your own love. Loving and caring for yourself is an act of spiritual warfare. Being full of love for yourself will allow you to be whole and capable of...

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