Blog Posts

Blog posts are categorized by the 4 pillars of longevity.

4 Pillars of Longevity

longevity Jan 09, 2019

Longevity can mean many things. To some, it means to live a “long time” – whatever a “long time” means to the individual. To some, it means health and a healthy lifestyle as you age. To others, it might mean “anti-aging.” Whatever your definition might be, living a long and healthier life does not just happen one day. You must be the driver. You must take 100% responsibility for your health, your lifestyle, and your mental state.

Longevity begins with having a goal. What age do you want to live to, and how do you want your life to be at that age? If you have not thought about this concept, reading my blogs will help you develop your thoughts and goals.

Everyone has an age they think they will die. Maybe it is based on how old your parents were when they died. You have a say in how you live those years. How are you going to continue to be active and live out the kind of life you have imagined?

As you get older, you must devote more time,...

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