Diet Analysis Detail Report



1 - Obtain an objective and accurate report of your diet. 2 - You will have a benchmark of where to start with changing your diet and weight. 3 - An individualized report of calories and nutrients you are currently taking in. 4 - A 20 minute one-on-one phone consultation with me to review report and talk about next steps.


1 - You are concerned about whether you are getting the proper nutrition. 2 - You want to know what are the most important diet habits you need to change. 3 - You are looking for an individualized consulting based on your current dietary habits.

Personal Invitation from Me:

Did you know that back pain plagues over 20% of people? The Yoga course covers poses that directly deal with lower and upper back pain, and in this video Iā€™ll show you one of those poses. If you struggle with back pain, youā€™ll love this.


50% Complete

Two Step

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